Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Bucket List

So here it is... Our 2012 Not Bummer Summer" Bucket List
  Out of control!  Isn't it?  When sitting down with the kids to make this, they had one big goal in mind.  To do 100 items for their Bucket list. And this list is extensive.  Keep in mind, we've actually been working on this for quite some time. Please feel free to use as many as you like.
  1.  splatter paint fight
  2. watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day
  3. tie dye shirts
  4. movie marathon- Back to the Future Movies!
  5. slip n slide
  6. play in the rain
  7. build a awesome fort
  8. host a cupcake decorating party
  9. draw on sidewalk and driveway with chalk
  10. Sand Castles at our wannabe beach (Cherry Creek Reservoir) 
  11. Sleep in a Tipi
  12. Read all 7 of Jules Vernes novels as a family
  13. Water Balloon Fights
  14. Gorge on Popsicles (fruit ones)- submitted by Mr. J
  15. spend all day playing board games
  16. Hike Roxborough State Park
  17. Hike Castlewood Canyon
  18. Play in the River at the Lair O' the Bear
  19. Suck Helium out of balloons and record the kids talking
  20. Star Gaze
  21. Go camping... again, again, and again
  22. Put funny sticky notes with messages on random cars
  23. Do a Random Act of Kindness
  24. Visit a Museum
  25. Make S'mores in a cone
  26. Decorate the minivan with washable window markers!
  27. PJ Day!
  28. Family Bike Ride (we need a bike for Daddy!)
  29. Make a new family flag
  30. Find a theme song for our "Not Bummer Summer!"
  31. Silly String Fight  Check!
  32. Silly String Fight Part II
  33. Have a picnic Check!  But we will be doing it again and again.
  34. Go to a concert
  35. Stay up for 24 hours-
  36. Our annual trip to the Colorado Renaissance Festival
  37. Make a puppet show.
  38. go geocaching
  39. Go to a CO Rockies Game
  40. Free Day at the Denver Zoo
  41. Go to IKEA- 
  42. Make homemade lemonade
  43. Family Lego building Night
  44. Family Photo Shoot- Lots of ideas on my Photo pose Pinterest Board
  45. Throw a paper airplane off a high place
  46. Throw a Boomerang
  47. Make everyone hammocks- and then sleep in them.
  48. Play Light Tag at night
  49. Photograph random art found throughout the Denver Metro Area
  50. See a waterfall- Maybe Boulder Falls?
  51. Buy a ton of glow sticks\bracelets/necklaces and light it up!
  52. Take Pictures with an underwater camera and get them developed!
  53. Visit a Planetarium
  54. Fill the backyard with Prayer Flags
  55. Pick Berries at the Berry Patch Farms
  56.   Make foil dinners
  57. Pillow fight 
  58. Go Fishing
  59. Make Mud Pies and a Mud Kitchen
  60. Make homemade Ice Cream
  61. At the end of the summer, print up lots of pictures and let the kids make their own scrapbook of our "Not Bummer Summer 2012"
  62. Make Wildflower/Leaf Crowns
  63. Do Fireworks in a Jar
  64. Go to a professional Fire Works display for the Fourth of July
  65. Make Homemade Marshmallows
  66. Make Homemade Taffy
  67. Make a homemade goKart/Cubmobile
  68. Our annual trip to Mt. Evans
  69. Visit Barr Lake State Park for the first time Check!
  70. Visit Red Rocks Amphitheater... again (its a family favorite)
  71. Go to the new Colorado History Museum
  72. Do the Hammond's Candy Factory Tour
  73. Start Muffin Tin Monday's again.  We haven't done that in a long time!
  74. Visit the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Wildlife Refuge
  75. Do a five mile hike
  76. Campout at Rocky Mountain National Park
  77. Go to the Urban Street Farmer's Market in Denver
  78. Make a Summer Book Basket with the kids
  79. Make Some Memory Jars
  80. Make Waldorf Window Stars
  81. Keep a log of our Summer Reading Books
  82.  Make Baked Goods in a orange Skin on a campfire. Orange Rolls ? Campfire Muffins? Camping Cakes?
  83. More Random Acts of Kindness
  84. Re-set up our Nature Table
  85. Paint the Chicken Coop
  86. Fly a kite
  87. Make BLTs with Tomatoes from our garden
  88. Running in the sprinklers
  89. Candlelight dinner
  90. Make a movie
  91. Eat Sushi
  92. Make Cookies and deliver to friends and neighbors
  93. Learn the Star Spangled Banner
  94. Try Wet on Wet Water Colors
  95. Go Skating Check!
  96. Release wishes in helium balloons (biodegradable balloons).
  97.  Make homemade yogurt or kefir
  98. Make and use stilts
  99. Make Galaxy Playdough
  100. Make homemade kid boats to sail on a stream or river.
So there it is folks.  The plan for The 2012 Not Bummer Summer!  What are your plans!  
I beginning to worry that after this summer they won't be willing to start home schooling again!  (Not that we won't be doing some math work and reading over the summer.)

Need some ideas for your bucket list? Try some of these:

The Happy Family Movement
Our Pinterest Board for our 2012 "Not Bummer Summer"


  1. hey, we have a high place, you could come and throw airplanes off of our roof deck. if you throw off the walkout basement side its around 60ft I think. is that high enough?

    1. I was thinking there might be a place in downtown Denver. But I wonder if there would be access to their roofs. I hadn't thought that far yet. I will let you know though. Making up a ton of air planes with positive messages or something would be fun to spread but would we get in trouble for littering? That wouldn't be very scouting of us though.
