Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bucket List #5- Go to IKEA

 We really want this to be our homeschooling room. 

Summer Bucket List Item #5 was going to IKEA.  The kids had been begging me to go.  It is kind of hard to miss the Giant (and I do mean giant) Blue store off of I-25 in Denver.  Their friends have been raging about it. 
I have no idea why it was so facinating but I appreciated the cheap breakfast and parking garage on a hot day.  I swear the kids were ready to move into IKEA.  Dream kitchens, unusual lamps and bright color.  I do admire how the can fit so much into a small space and not seem too stuffed.
There was this one room.  A few pictures up.  I think I could apply a lot of it.  And the prices aren't bad either.
I am glad to cross this one off as it was a little too consumer for me.  But the boys are rearranging their room to make a sitting/reading area under my oldest's loft bed.  Its gonna be great. Except I think we will be shopping at the thrift store for comfy chairs. Even my daughter has been rearranging her room to.  The liked the cleanness of the areas too, so it was a bit of a motivator for cleaning their rooms.  But I don't expect IKEA standards to last too long. (Darn it!) But we will be wishing for the homeschool room.

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