Saturday, September 24, 2011

Parker Civil War Living History Day

Stopping to pose with our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.

Today we went down to Parker, CO (just the next town (suburb) southwest of where we live to a Civil War Reenactment. How cool is that. We can tend be jipped out here in the west missing out on those types of activities that are zealously cherished in the East. But thankfully the Parker Historical Society and the Castle Rock Civil War Society put on a Civil War Living History Day. I had seen this before in previous years but this is the first time we have made it out to it. My kids were inspired and ready to sign up to join one of these societies.
The boys were enamored with the guns, bayonets, and pistols. What boys aren't, but mine are especially keen on reenactments. Hence why we love the Renaissance Festival so much too. We could do a whole lot of learning by attending as many reenactments as possible. Too bad that there are only a few around here.

They spent time asking questions, eating civil war rations... Hard tacks.

Enjoying the music and the talents displayed.

Oddly enough the battle we watched was won by the south!

With there only being about 10 members on each side, the battle was small, but we really appreciated the display.

They also had a sampling of biscuits and homemade butter. Not new to my pioneer loving family, but yummy just the same.

This woman's apron was a protest apron. I think she said she was a Union supporter and when confederates took over, the woman wouldn't be allowed to share their dislike but did so in a passive aggressive sort of way by making a very patriotic pinafore. Miss C. was delighted to have an opportunity to wear her prairie outfit.

We learned lots from this Union Calvary man. How they loaded a pistol. Did you know that their swords aren't sharp but are meant for stabbing in with force while on horse back? And it is curved so that an opponent's sword would easily slide off or away.

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