Monday, December 7, 2009


So I got this resource from the imagine childhood blog. Just beginning to collect resources for our upcoming nature study. If you have any please share as well.


This is the start of our resources page, a place where we are beginning to compile the resources and links we mention in our posts, as well as others we find along the way. We are always interested in finding new and exciting links, so if you have any you find particularly helpful we’d love to hear about them! Just send us a line Thanks!
In no particular order:

Nature Find is a wonderful website where you can input your zip code and find all the green spaces near you!

The Children and Nature Network is an amazing catalog of new and ongoing research in relation to connecting children with nature in their everyday lives. In addition, they also publish a very informative newsletter, and offer parent/caregiver guides for getting out and about, and for starting nature clubs in your own neighborhood!

National Wildlife Federation and Green Hour both great resources for fun facts and reasons to get out and about.

The National Phenology Network is a wonderful place where kids can collect and input data on everything from dandelions to mountain lions and help scientists learn about species and climate change in the process! Check out their great Project BudBursttoo.

The Wilderness Awareness School is a great place to find amazing outdoor learning resources whether you live near their home base in Washington state, or utilize theirHome Study Courses.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a great website where you can look up almost any bird you can think of!

The Center for Biological Diversity has a great website where you can download wild animal ringtones for your cell phone that come with images and information about the animal!

The Cloud Appreciation Society is a great place for all those cloud lovers out there to get their daily fix of beautiful cloud photos and information.

For information about hiking and camping visit the The American Hiking Society for great how to’s and wonderful resources like a list of the 10 essentials of hiking

If you would like to go on a quick acoustic trip right, try this amazing Sound Walk Across California or this great collection of sounds from the National Park Service.

If you would like to know exactly what you are looking at up in the night sky, there are some amazing free down-loadable star charts for the northern, equatorial, and southern hemispheres here (they even come in multiple languages!… just scroll down the page a bit).

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