Monday, December 7, 2009

Natur School The Denver Zoo

Oct 09

I often hesitate to call the zoo nature. The animals are not in their natural habitats, but where else is a Coloradoan going to see a Yak, a Rhino, a 500 pound turtle, or a Komodo Dragon. I only posted the pictures of the stuff that really struck our fancy. We went on the free day this month, I hadn't been there on the free day before and they had so many crafts, and different organizations that we spent the bulk of our time doing those.
You have to keep a close eye on Mr. S as he will just dart off. But he loves getting his picture taken.
The Exhibit with the hawks and owls near the Aviary was Mr. A's favorite. In addition to getting some hands on experience we made bird feeders to hang in the back yard.
Mr. A has a great love for owls right now. Especially Great Horned Owls. Do you notice his back pack. I had gotten him a camel pack/back pack for Christmas. I got it at the thrift store with the tag still on it. He managed to find it in the garage and there was no keeping it from him then.
Below: The Colorado Youth Symphony was there and the kids got to sport out a violin which was the highlight of Miss C's day. She so loved it and kept getting in line to do it over and over again.
He doesn't look too happy does he?
So Miss C was ecstatic to do this. She has been begging to learn to play the violin. But I told her that she had to finish this year in Ballet. I don't have the budget for her to do both.
How cute is he.
Mr. J was really into it as well.
Doing Crafts
Meeting Actors from a Opera.

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