Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lost in the month of August.

Goodness... It has been nearly a month since I last posted.  August... I got lost somewhere in mid August.  We started our "structured time" homeschooling and well... that's where we've been.  Oh... and it is canning season.  I think that sums it up. It is nearly impossible to keep any sort of rhythm during canning season.  There are still a big bucket full of beets and pears to finish and well Scouts is sort of busting out all over the place. I have never canned so much in my life and quite frankly I can't wait till it is over.  But man... do my cupboards look so pretty. Canning jars filled with goodies always are. When I get it all organized and photo ready, I will show you.  But until it is done... it is a sort of crazy pretty.  I know I will love it and appreciate it come winter.  But until then....

Next up... the events of Wood Badge and The Denver Area Council Camporee coming up.  That means that I will have plenty to share.  So hold on... hopefully soon (though early next week). I can post a wrap up to our "Not Bummer Summer" and share with you all the happenings here in Colorado...  because there is just no time lately to head out to "The Beyond."  We are longing for California and anything in between.  Maybe this next year.  We miss the beach and the Redwoods something fierce.

Be back soon...  I hear Wood Badge calling my name.

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